This was a season long project that I created, building out matchday sets, posters, and other regular pieces that made appearances throughout the year.
These are all the posters I made for this season, one for almost every match. These focus experimentally on typography, colors, and the club all in one. Here are some of the best.
For the matchday, I created two sets of information graphics depending on whether it was a home match or an away match.
Here's how a matchday would run through Instagram stories.
And a full-time post across socials. This is comprised of 4 individual slides.
I focused on writing stories with attached pieces this season. Here a a few, all with multiple slides that fit together.
These are two headline information graphics that were used repeatedly throughout the year.​​​​​​​
Here are some random pieces that were used throughout the year.
The main fonts used this year were Remora Sans W4 and Futura.
All photos used with consent from LAFC's Media package, mainly taken by Imad Bolotok.
I created and manage all LAFC Central accounts.

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